I arrived at the pond about 3pm and intended to fish until the light went which was somewhere between 8 and 9 at this time of year.
I decided to fish the swim at the opposite end of the pond from the one I tackled last time. I was very wary of getting into line tangles when fish from one rod ran over the line on the other one.
This is view down the pond from the swim I chose:
The good thing about this swim is it gives me two clear options, the first a margin swim of about 20 yards until the bend in the pond and the second being the clear open water of the pond.
I'd taken a tin of sweetcorn with me as groundbait and emptied half of the tin in each of the 2 swims in an attempt to draw the carp in, or failing that the roach which in turn would draw the carp in through thier uninterrupted feeding.
The first rod was set up to fish the margin swim. It is the stronger of the two and I was sure that if I was going to get anything approaching really heavy it would be on this rod.
The second rod was set to fish the open water swim. I was just hoping for some passing trade!
Both rods were set up with 6lb main line. On rod one I had a size 12 hook to 6lb line and on rod 2 I had a size 14 to 5lb. Both were set up using the smallest leger possible (1/4 ounce?).
As before I used 10mm boillies, tutti fruitti and monster crab. The Monster Crab on rod 1 and the Tutti Fruitti on rod 2.
The first hour was fairly uneventful but the second brought my first run. A nice common of around 3 pound on rod 1.
The rest of the day was really split into 2 halves, rod 1 was productive until the last hour or so then it went quiet. Rod 2 on the other hand was quiet all afternoon until the last hour. In that last hour I managed to bag a nice 7 pounder.
At the end of session I'd bagged about 8 carp ranging from 2 to 7 pounds. The only disappointing thing was that I lost about 3 good fish when they ran into the snags under the tree. I know I was applying too much pressure all at once as the hooklength generally broke. I need to learn to calm down and gently apply the pressure as the fish heads towards the snags which hopefully will force the fish into open water.
Till the next time.
Sorry about teh lateness of the report but I've been busy fishing!