As usual I was up and on the road in plenty of time to arrive at the fishery bang on openng time. When I got there I unloaded the car and made my way over to Silver lake's peg 1, which is my favourite.
When I arrived at the peg I noticed there was a lot of blossom etc on the surface of the water which had obviously been falling from the nearby trees. I made the decision to fish at that peg anyway.
Just the one rod today, so it was to the standard waggler set up that I turned to. I fed the swim (about two rod lengths out) and was ready to make my first cast at 7:50.
It was a disaster, the flotsam and jetsam on the water just proved to difficult to fish through. The stuff was getting on the line and sinking the float and even when I tried to sink the line the debris went down with it. I decided I had to move.
I took a stroll up the lake to see if the situation was the same there, luckily peg 2 (or the next one round, can't remember which) was clear. I made the decision to move there as i could cast in the vicinity of the feed I'd put in at peg 1.
It was 8:50 before I was ready to start again. For bait, I commenced with single maggot. I immediately got a roach and a rudd which was a good sign.
By 10:20 I was still on the maggot and I'd added another 5 fish to the virtual net, consisting of roach and rudd again except for a chub which when weighed turned out to be my personal best! I was over the moon (cliche' time).
The next hour was very slow going - just a roach and a perch made the net.
For the next two hours I decided to switch to corn. I managed to get a rudd and a roach however it wasn't a total disaster as I lost what had to be a carp.
After capturing another roach I decided to switch to meat. It was a bit early in the afternoon but I felt I had nothing to lose. By 14:40 I'd bagged a carp and a bream.
My last fish and my sixteenth of the day came in at 17:30 and was another carp so at least I ended the day on a high.