I arrived at the lake around 7am. I quickly unloaded the car and made my way down the lake to my favourite swim at the dam end.
It was the usual attack tactics today, one float rod to my immediate left and one leger rod fished where the overhanging tree used to be on my right.
After feeding the swims and setting up, I was ready to make my first casts. The time was 8:10.
For bait on the float rod I started with two pieces of corn. I didn't have long to wait for the action to begin. When the float disappeared I knew it wasn't the expected bream straight away. The culprit was a carp of about 7lb. Good start.
I also captured the mandatory Bream during the first hour which made my total for the day, two!
I lost another carp in the second hour which, aside from that, was unproductive.
The third hour of the day was also very quiet although I did get a bite on the leger rod which I promptly lost.
Things were not going well, by 12:20 all I'd added to the virtual net was a small Bream.
I did have some company though.
That hour was followed by another hour where absolutely nothing happened! Not what I was expecting at all.
For the next hour I changed hook bait from corn to small cubes of meat and was rewarded with two of the lake's Bream. Total for the day was now a paltry five.
At 16:30 I caught my last fish of the day, yes you've guessed it, another Bream.
So that was it for what was a pretty poor day by my standards - never mind things can only get better.