Thursday, 12 March 2009

March 9th Boulthurst Farm - Limpsfield Surrey

This pond is controlled by Holland & District Anglers Society but South Norwood Angling Club have an exchange ticket deal with them so I can fish it!

Anyway the pond is not that large, about half to three quarters of an acre I would say.

It has a good head of carp ranging to about 15lb but I've only had a best of 7lb out. There is also a lot of roach and bream plus some lovely crucians.

Anyway I arrived at the pond around 8:30 or so to find that the number on the lock number had changed! Panic ensued. Luckily for me the lady who must own the pond saw me in distress and gave me the contact number of the man who knew the number. Good news for me he was in and told me the number.

Having finally got in I made my way to the swim at the end by the incoming stream. The pond has no real depth and is pretty much the same all over as far as I can tell. Around 2 to 3 feet.

Mixed up some groundbait consisting of brown crumb, some red groundbait mix, pieces of sweetcorn and some magotts.

Threw a ball or 2 a couple of rod lengths out and then set up my rod.

As the weather was just warming up I didn't expect much action on the carp front so set my sights on the roach etc.

To this end I used my 13' match rod, 5lb main line and size 18 to 3lb hook length with single magott on the hook.

By 9:15 I was off.

10:30 the first roach turned up - barely an ounce.

Fed another ball of groundbait every hour and rotated the hookbait between sweetcorn, bread and magott. By 12:30 I only added a further 2 roach.

By 14:30 the action for the day peaked because I had caught 3 carp, 2 on sweetcorn and the last on a piece of bread. The largest was 3lb.

I would have included a photo but the batteries on the camera went dead.

No other interest for the day so at 17:00 I decided to call it a day.

Good to get back on the bank though.

Tight Lines.

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