Saturday, 17 October 2015

2015 21 August 7th Chittenden, Edenbridge

A disappointing day at Nursery Fields the previous week prompted me to make the decision to give the club's carp lake at Chittenden a go this week.

As usual I was up at 5 am and out of of the house by about 5:45. The sun was shining and it felt even at this early hour that it was going to be a hot one.

I arrived at the fishery around 6:15. I unloaded the car and quickly made my way to my favorite swim at the bottom end of the lake.

Yet again, I was going to use my trusted two rod attack, a waggler by the reeds and a small bomb on the feeder rod a little to my left. I was determined to stick with the maize. I fed both swims heavily on arrival with handfuls of the stuff.

I was set up and ready to make my first casts at 7:22. The session had started, I wondered what it had in store for me today.

I started on corn for the first hour and was rewarded with a couple of the lake's bream. A good start to a good day?

After that first hour I switched hook baits to meat. It was really just to see if any non bream had been attracted to the handfuls of maize. One had, a carp of 6 lb 14 oz! The maize on the feeder rod also went into action, a carp of about 3 lb! My confidence was now quite high.

A switch back to corn slowed proceedings down somewhat for the next sixty minutes. My only capture was a small skimmer bream.

The feeder swim in the next hour seemed to have attracted some bream as three of them were caught on the maize. The waggler chipped in with a couple of fish on meat. A good carp of 8 lb 6 oz and another bream. A day I couldn't complain about so far.

As lunchtime approached I was back on the corn and so apparently were the bream. One on corn and one on it's big brother the maize.

The lunchtime session brought another four fish, two on the feeder rod (a 4 lb carp and another bream) and two on the meat loaded waggler (a 4 lb carp and a smaller one of about 2 lb).

By 14:20 the fish were still coming on both rods, a 4 lb carp on corn and a 2 lb one on the maize. I was enjoying this!

Then it happened, at 15:20 I was using corn on the waggler and when the float went under I thought it would be another bream however when it shot off I knew it wasn't. I played the fish as best I could and eventually it came in the net. When I saw it I suspected it could be a double. I was right 10 lb 6 oz!

Between when I released the carp and when I packed up at 18:00 the carp in the swim seemed to go mad. Five of them made the net, all of which took meat. Two of them were about 3 lb, two were about 4 lb and the last one of the day came in at 8 lb 4 oz.

What a great day I had, 24 fish in all, one of them a double. I shall be back.

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